Privacy Policy

1.Scope of Privacy Policy

Kura Sushi Asia Co., Ltd. Highly values user privacy. To protect the personal data provided by users of this website, we have established the following terms for privacy protection. This "Privacy Policy" outlines how the Kura Sushi Asia Investor Website (hereinafter referred to as "this Website") collects, processes, uses, and protects the information left by users when using the website. Please read this "Privacy Policy ". By using the services of this Website, you agree to the terms of this statement.


2. Collection and Utilization of Personal Data

Collection of Personal Data

Without your consent, we will not collect, use, or disclose your personal information. You can visit and browse our website without revealing any personal information. When you use the services provided by this Website or participate in online activities organized by us, the Website may ask you to register personal information, such as your name, address, phone number, and email address, to facilitate communication with you. The personal data collected by this Website is solely for internal use by Kura Sushi Asia Co., Ltd. according to the original stated purposes and scope. Unless otherwise stated or required by relevant laws, Kura Sushi Asia Co., Ltd. will not provide the information to third parties or use it for other purposes.

Methods of Using Personal Information

The collection of users' personal data is used for customer management functions at Kura Sushi Asia Co., Ltd. Examples are as follows:

‧Responding to customer inquiries: questions submitted by members to Kura Sushi Asia Co., Ltd. via email, mail, fax, phone, or any other direct or indirect means of communication.

‧Other related matters: Using your information for other purposes with your consent and for the necessary provision of services.

3.Data Protection

To protect the privacy and security of our members, Kura Sushi Asia Co., Ltd. will take all reasonable measures to ensure the security of all personal data we hold. We will prevent unauthorized access to your personal data and safeguard the security of your information when transmitted directly over the internet.


4.External Links on the Website

For the benefit or convenience of visitors, this Website may link to other websites or be linked by other websites. Any access to third-party websites through links will not be governed by this policy. This Website is not liable for any legal responsibility arising from violations or omissions in the privacy policies of third parties.


5.Policy on Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties

By accessing and using this Website, you agree to the following terms regarding the use and disclosure of your personal information. However, if you do not wish to allow third-party service providers to use your personal information, you may choose to opt out.

Your personal information will primarily be processed and utilized by Kura Sushi Asia Co., Ltd. and its overseas branches. Unless we clearly request and obtain your consent, we will not share your personal data with any entities outside of Kura Sushi Asia Co., Ltd. In order to facilitate business activities for providing services to you, responding to your requests, or as required by relevant laws, your personal information may be shared with third parties. Typically, we may share your personal information with the following third parties:


(1)Third-party partners

We rely on third-party partners to represent us in completing various services. Therefore, Kura Sushi Asia Co., Ltd. may allow service providers to use your personal information for communication purposes. Please note that we will only provide third-party partners with the personal information necessary to perform the services, and we will require them to protect this personal information and not use it for any other purpose.

(2)Third-party Information Processors

We may use service providers to assist us in maintaining and operating this Website, or handling other related matters concerning the operation of this Website and Kura Sushi Asia Co., Ltd.'s business. In these cases, service providers may have access to your personal information. We only provide these service providers with the relevant personal information necessary for them to provide services on our behalf. We also require these companies to protect the personal data and not use it for any other purposes.


We may utilize and disclose your personal information to execute your instructions or the following related matters:

(A)In accordance with legal and regulatory requirements, we carry out various administrative tasks, including but not limited to developing and identifying products and services that may be of interest to you (unless you request us not to engage in such development and identification)

(B) Protect or maintain the rights and property of Kura Sushi Asia Co., Ltd.'s customers and employees.


6. Amendment of Privacy Policy

As the market environment changes, Kura Sushi Asia Co., Ltd. will periodically revise the website policies and reserves the right to amend or revoke this "Privacy Statement." If you have any questions or comments about the explanation, please contact us.


7. Other Disclaimer Terms

The Website does not guarantee that errors, mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletions, transmission delays, computer viruses, or line failures will never occur. The Website also cannot guarantee that it will not cause inconvenience, data loss, errors, tampering, or other economic losses or disadvantages due to viruses or other harmful software or programs. It is recommended that you take necessary precautions when using this Website. The Website is not liable for any damages resulting from your use or inability to use the services provided on the Website.